This page provides information for school districts in Yolo and Solano Counties, within the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (District) boundary on consulting with the District on Transportation Service Plans to meet the requirements of California Assembly Bill (AB) 181.
California Assembly Bill 181 passed June 30, 2022 requires school districts and county offices of education to develop transportation service plans in consultation with air quality management districts.
SEC. 14. Section 39800.1 is added to the Education Code, to read:
39800.1. (a) As a condition of receiving apportionments under Section 41850.1, a local educational agency shall develop a plan describing the transportation services it will offer to its pupils, and how it will prioritize planned transportation services for pupils in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, and pupils who are low income. The plan shall be adopted by the local educational agency’s governing board on or before April 1, 2023, and updated by April 1 each year thereafter. The plan shall include the following components:
(b) (1) The plan shall be developed in consultation with classified staff, teachers, school administrators, regional local transit authorities, local air pollution control districts and air quality management districts, parents, pupils, and other stakeholders.
(e) For purposes of this section, “local educational agency” means a school district or a county office of education.
The District does not review these plans; however, it does offer several funding programs that school districts may utilize when implementing their developed plans.
School Districts and Offices of Education that receive and consider the information provided on this web page, are considered to have consulted adequately with the District.
The District does not provide transportation service planning, however, it does offer several incentive programs and funding opportunities that may support school district plans such as the Carl Moyer Program (Moyer) and the Clean School Bus Program.
Clean School Bus Program
This program is funded through AB 923 and additional funding sources available such as the Carl Moyer Program and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This program is ongoing and applications are available upon request or can be submitted during the annual Carl Moyer Solicitation period.
For more information on the Clean School Bus Program, contact our grant staff at (530) 757-3650 or email grants@ysaqmd.org.
Carl Moyer (Moyer) Program
The Moyer Program, administered locally by District staff provides incentive funding to help reduce the cost of fleet turnover to zero-emission school buses and associated infrastructure projects. More information on the Moyer Program, including eligibility criteria, application materials, and solicitation timelines can be found on the District’s Moyer Program page (https://www.ysaqmd.org/incentives/moyer/).