The Yolo-Solano AQMD’s mission in all enforcement action decisions is the same as its agency mission: to protect human health and property from the harmful effects of air pollution. As such, our enforcement process is geared toward achieving and maintaining universal compliance of our rules and regulations, which are all designed to protect our clean air.
The initial focus of our enforcement efforts is to end rule violations and bring the source into compliance. When rules are violated, the District seeks progressive enforcement actions dependent on several factors. Among those is the time during which the source was out of compliance, the risk posed to the community and the source’s compliance record.
The District has three levels of enforcement action:
Notices to Comply (NTC)
NTCs are typically issued for non-emission related violations, and usually to sources without a prior record of enforcement actions. The goal of this enforcement action is to make the source aware of rules and how to meet them and well as to prevent future rules violations.
Notices of Violations (NOV)
NOVs are issued when the District establishes that a rules violation affecting air quality has occurred. As with all District enforcement actions, the goal in issuing NOVs is to bring the source into compliance and protect our clean air. Most NOVs are resolved through our Mutual Settlement Program, though the District may pursue civil litigation and/or criminal prosecution.
Abatement Orders
Abatement orders are the strongest administrative enforcement action the District can pursue. Violations of abatement orders carry potential fines of up to $25,000 per day of violation and criminal sanctions.