For every Permit to Operate (PTO), facilities are required to submit an annual throughput form that identifies the level of production for that permitted process. This information is compiled by the District to quantify actual emissions from each of the permitted sources, and then the District develops an emissions inventory which is reported annually to the California Air Resources Board.
The District doesn’t mail Throughput Forms. Instead, they are provided electronically. The forms have been emailed to each facility’s responsible contact and are also available by clicking the link FIND YOUR FORM below.
Click the link INSTRUCTIONS for guidance on completing the Throughput Forms. The forms are due by March 31, 2024. Please note electronic or digital signatures are accepted.
Permit holders who fail to submit the requested information may have their PTOs revoked. Operating without a permit is a violation of District rules and state law and involves serious penalties.
Please submit your throughput report(s) by e-mail to the District at throughput@ysaqmd.org (best option) or via mail or fax (530-757-3670).
If you have questions, need assistance, or would like the District to send you a blank Throughput Report form specific to your permit(s), please send an e-mail request with your permit number(s) to throughput@ysaqmd.org.
If you need to speak with someone, please call the District at (530) 757-3650.