District and Esparto Unified School District Unveil Four Zero-Emission School Buses

The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (Air District) is thrilled to announce the unveiling of four new zero-emission electric school buses for the Esparto Unified School District. These buses represent a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to improve air quality and protect public health in our community.

The replacement of four outdated diesel-powered school buses with zero-emission electric models was made possible through several Air District grants and incentive programs. These include the AB 923 Program, the Carl Moyer Program, and the U.S. EPA Targeted Airshed Grant (TAG) Program. Overall, Esparto USD was awarded nearly $1.1 million from these three programs for the four zero-emission school buses.

The benefits to the community are substantial. Diesel school buses emit fine particulates and other pollutants that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, a harmful air pollutant. Diesel exhaust from idling school buses can accumulate around the buses and pose a health risk, particularly to children. When buses idle in drop-off zones, the exhaust can also pollute the air inside school buildings, affecting children’s health throughout the day. Prolonged exposure to ozone can lead to serious health impacts, similar to giving your lungs a sunburn. By replacing diesel school buses with electric vehicles, all tailpipe emissions are eliminated, thereby significantly improving air quality.