Carl Moyer Program

The Carl Moyer (Moyer) Program was established in 1998 as a partnership between the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and local air districts. The program provides monetary grants to private companies, and public agencies to purchase clean heavy‐duty engines beyond what is required by law and regulation through repowering, replacing, or retrofitting engines, vehicles, or equipment. The Moyer Program also funds infrastructure and electrification projects to support California’s transformation to zero and near‐zero emission technology.

The  Moyer Program provides grant funding for the following project categories:

  • On-Road Projects (utility vehicles, school and transit buses)
  • Off-Road Projects (replacement for small fleets and exempt Agricultural Equipment)
  • Infrastructure Projects (projects including new battery charging and alternative fueling station installation)
  • Commercial Zero-Emission Lawn and Garden Equipment Replacement

Moyer funding will be distributed through the 2025 Solicitation. Applications will be posted when the solicitation opens on March 3, 2025.


District Carl Moyer Program Guidelines and Manual 
CARB Carl Moyer Program Guidelines

Print a TRUCRS Certificate of Compliance
On-Road Grant Calculator | California Air Resources Board
Find a Contractor with EVITP Certification

Sign up for email updates regarding the Moyer Program. If you have any questions about the program or process, please email or call the District Office at (530) 757-3650.