Community Air Protection Program
In July 2017, the California Assembly and Senate passed Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017) directing the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to develop the Community Air Protection Program (CAPP). The Program’s focus is to reduce exposure in communities most impacted by air pollution and uses a variety of strategies, including community level monitoring, uniform emission reporting across the State , stronger regulation of pollution sources and incentives for both mobile and stationary sources. To support AB 617 requirements, the Legislature appropriated Community Air Protection (CAP) Incentives funding to be administered by air districts in partnership with local communities to support early actions to address localized air pollution. The District will work collaboratively with CARB and actively engage members of impacted communities in Yolo and northeast Solano County to create a community-focused action framework to address emission impacts, respond to concerns, improve air quality, and reduce exposure to criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants.
Funded by Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds, projects funded with CAP Incentives must align with the goals and requirements of California Climate Investments. These include targeting funds to projects that meaningfully reduce local pollutant exposure in disadvantaged and low-income communities that are disproportionately impacted by air pollution while also showing a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Project decisions follow extensive outreach by the District to the public in those communities, and the opportunity for community members to propose and comment on specific projects.
CAP Incentives funding will be distributed through the 2025 Solicitation. Applications will be posted on March 3, 2025.
California Climate Investments Priority Populations – Disadvantaged Communities
California Assembly Bills 617 and 1550 require the majority of CAP Incentives funding to provide emission reduction benefits to Disadvantaged Communities, which are designated by Senate Bill 535. The District has three designated Disadvantaged Communities: the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, the northern portion of West Sacramento, and Rio Vista and the surrounding agricultural lands. Over $1 million in funding has been reserved for projects located in and benefitting Disadvantaged Communities. To check if an address is located within a Disadvantaged Community, please enter the address into the California Climate Investments Priority Populations map.
Program Documents:
District Community Air Protection Program Incentives Policies and Procedures
CARB Community Air Protection Incentives 2019 Guidelines
California Climate Investments Priority Populations Map
Community Air Protection Incentives Eligibility Guidelines 2024
2024 Project Applications and Status:
Name of Applicant | Location Address | City | Project Type | Cost of Project | Low Income Community? | Disadvantaged Community? | Selected? |
Freehart Farms | 24203 County Road 22 | Esparto | Ag Tractor | $115,128 | Yes | Yes | No |
HD Ranch | 7815 Midway Road | Dixon | Ag Wheel Loader | $284,255 | No | No | Waitlist |
Broken Rope Ranch | 34894 Co. Rd. 25 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $35,327 | No | No | No |
Kevin Simonis | 6753 Maine Prarie Road | Dixon | Ag Tractor | $589,373 | No | No | No |
M J Livestock | 5814 Pedrick Rd. | Dixon | Ag Tractor | $168,663 | No | No | No |
Knob Hill Mines | 7872 Hastings Rd. | Rio Vista | Windrower | $212,443 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Knob Hill Mines | 7873 Hastings Rd. | Rio Vista | Windrower | $212,443 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Richard Carli | Little Egbert Track – River Road | Rio Vista | Ag Tractor | $85,601 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Richard Carli | Little Egbert Track – River Road | Rio Vista | Ag Swather | $201,133 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Wesley Henderson | 13995 Co. Rd. 88A | Esparto | Ag Tractor | $135,476 | Yes | No | No |
Gli-Co Farms LP | 7220 Tremont Road | Dixon | Ag Tractor | $332,742 | No | No | Waitlist |
Woody Brothers Inc. | 6399 Rio Dixon Road | Dixon | Ag Tractor | $125,927 | No | No | No |
Juan Rodriquez | 5556 Dally Road | Vacaville | Ag Tractor | $122,426 | Buffer | Buffer | No |
Barrett Hay Service LLC | 7933 Jahn Road | Dixon | Ag Tractor | $137,620 | No | No | No |
Margaret Henderson | 13995 County Road 88A | Esparto | Ag Tractor | $78,733 | Yes | No | No |
Alan Simonis | 16605 County Road 59 | Brooks | Ag Tractor | $41,063 | Yes | No | No |
Alan Simonis | 16606 County Road 59 | Brooks | Ag Tractor | $493,046 | Yes | No | No |
Simonis Ranches | 27426 County Road 25 | Esparto | Ag Tractor | $204,234 | Yes | No | No |
Simonis Ranches | 27427 County Road 25 | Esparto | Ag Tractor | $539,357 | Yes | No | No |
Neal Hendrix Hay Co | 7804 Leisure Town Road | Vacaville | Ag Tractor | $509,960 | No | No | No |
Reclamation District No. 2068 | 7178 Yolano Road | Dixon | Tractor | $95,429 | No | No | No |
William W. Geer | 40770 County Road 112 | Knights Landing | Ag Backhoe | $151,126 | Yes | No | No |
Hamilton Brothers | 8327 Montezuma Hills Road | Rio Vista | Ag Tractor | $675,894 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
K & J Orchards | 9196 Gaddini Road | Winters | Ag Tractor | $57,680 | No | No | No |
Bouzos Orchards | 6697 Byrnes Road | Vacaville | Ag Tractor | $77,833 | No | No | No |
Eusebio Rivera | 37810 Jackson Street | Yolo | Ag Loader | $107,246 | Yes | No | Yes |
Bogle Vineyards | 49762 Hamilton Road | Clarksburg | Ag Tractor | $116,601 | No | No | No |
Klein Farms | 36802 County Road 13 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $439,171 | Yes | No | Yes |
C&M Ochoa | 36802 County Road 13 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $139,911 | Yes | No | No |
C&M Ochoa | 36803 County Road 13 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $371,520 | Yes | No | No |
M Three Ranches | 35472 County Road 18A | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $378,198 | Yes | No | Waitlist |
M Three Ranches | 35473 County Road 18A | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $378,198 | Yes | No | No |
Meek Ranch | 22075 Co Rd 99 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $215,942 | No | No | No |
Muller Ag LLC | 15810 County Road 95 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $357,380 | Yes | No | No |
777 Hay and Straw | 31870 County Road 27 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $58,771 | Yes | No | No |
777 Hay and Straw | 31871 County Road 27 | Woodland | Ag Tractor | $64,025 | Yes | No | No |
Joe Yeung Farms Inc. | 19396 County Road 124 | West Sacramento | Ag Tractor | $233,500 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Joe Yeung Farms Inc. | 19397 County Road 124 | West Sacramento | Ag Tractor | $90,338 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Yolo Food Bank | 233 Harter Avenue | Woodland | On-Road Truck | $476,385 | Yes | No | No |
Yolo County Housing Authority | 664 Cummins Way | West Sacramento | EV Charging | $77,170 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ecology Action | 29289 Highway 16 | Madison | EV Charging | $55,000 | Yes | No | No |
Yolo County Housing Authority | 685 Lighthouse Drive | West Sacramento | EV Charging | $104,281 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Yolo County Housing Authority | 65 Myrtle Drive | Winters | EV Charging | $97,960 | No | No | No |
Yolo County Housing Authority | 147 West Main Street | Woodland | EV Charging | $146,605 | Yes | No | No |
New Hope CDC | 120 North Cottonwood Street | Woodland | EV Charging | $73,640 | Yes | No | No |
Yolo Federal Credit Union | 266 West Main Street | Woodland | EV Charging | $156,844 | Yes | No | No |
New Season Com. Development Corp. | 17720 Oakdale Ranch Road | Esparto | EV Charging | $342,650 | Yes | No | No |
UC Davis | 740 La Rue Road | Davis | EV Charging | $60,000 | Yes | No | Yes |
CAP Incentives Program Resources and Information
- CA Assembly Bill No. 617 (AB 617)
- California Climate Investments (CCI) Funding Guidelines
- Community Air Protection Blueprint
- CARB Carl Moyer Program Guidelines
- California Air Resources Board (CARB) Diesel Activities Homepage (Information regarding portable and mobile source diesel regulations – including pertinent links)
- California Climate Investments Project Map

California Climate Investments
Coordination Calendar Here

CAP Incentives Surveys and Outreach Materials
CAP Incentive Program Survey
Encuesta sobre el Programa de Protección del Aire en las Comunidades
El Distrito de Administración de la Calidad del Aire de Yolo-Solano está pidiendo a los residentes que ayuden a identificar las prioridades de proyectos y financiación para las comunidades del distrito. Al contestar la encuesta a continuación, usted puede ayudar a dar forma al futuro de los proyectos de aire limpio en su comunidad. Encuesta Encuesta in linea
Опрос в рамках общественной программы охраны качества воздуха
Программа по охране качества воздуха Йоло-Солано просит жителей помочь выявить проекты и приоритеты финансирования в нашем округе. Заполнив опрос ниже, Вы поможете сформировать будущее проектов по очистке воздуха в Вашем районе. опрос
Project Results
California Climate Investments Annual Report to the Legislature
As projects are completed an updated list can be found here.
For program information and technical assistance contact:
530-757-3650 l
YSAQMD, 1947 Galileo Court, Suite 103, Davis, CA 95618

The Community Air Protection Incentives Program is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing GHG emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment– particularly in disadvantaged communities. The Cap-and-Trade program also creates a financial incentive for industries to invest in clean technologies and develop innovative ways to reduce pollution. California Climate Investments projects include affordable housing, renewable energy, public transportation, zero-emission vehicles, environmental restoration, more sustainable agriculture, recycling, and much more. At least 35 percent of these investments are located within and benefiting residents of disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households across California. For more information, visit the California Climate Investments website at:, or find us on Twitter @CAClimateInvest.