2025 Solicitation

Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District 2025 Solicitation

The District has more than $2.3 million available in funding for 2025 through the Carl Moyer, Community Air Protection (CAP) Incentives, Targeted Airshed Grant (TAG), and AB 923 Programs. Eligible entities must be located and operate within Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District’s jurisdiction, which includes all of Yolo County and the northeastern portion of Solano County, including the cities of Dixon, Rio Vista, and Vacaville.

2025 Solicitation Brief

Distrito de Gestión de la Calidad del Aire de Yolo-Solano Solicitud 2025

Округ Управления Качеством Воздуха Йоло-Солано Афиша 2025

Solicitation Schedule

Solicitation Schedule

March 3, 2025 (8 a.m.) Solicitation Opens
March 26, 2025 (10 a.m.)

Yolo-Solano AQMD 2025 Grant Program Webinar

Register here

May 2, 2025 (4 p.m.) Solicitation Closes
June 9, 2025 Deadline to Notify Applicants of Missing Information
July 31, 2025 Applicants Notified of Tentative Awards

Applications and Resources 


On Road Application (fillable) l SOLICITUD DE REEMPLAZO EN CARRETERA

Infrastructure Application (fillable) l SOLICITUD DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA

Si desea solicitar una aplicación en español que no esté actualmente publicada en nuestro sitio web, por favor llame al 530-757-3539 o envíe un correo electrónico grants@ysaqmd.org

Если вы хотите получить аппликацию на русском языке, пожалуйста позвоните по телефону 530-757-3539 или пишите на электронный адрес grants@ysaqmd.org

Complete the appropriate application form, attach all necessary documentation, sign the signature pages, and submit the completed application to grants@ysaqmd.org or mail to YSAQMD, 1947 Galileo Court, Suite 103, Davis, CA 95618. Applications must be received by 4 p.m. on May 2, 2025; postmarks and faxes will not be considered.

Two applications will be accepted per applicant for equipment located in disadvantaged communities, while a single application will be accepted per applicant for equipment located in all other areas. There is not a restriction on the number of applications that may be submitted by public agencies for the replacement of heavy-duty fleet vehicles.

To determine if your project is located in a disadvantaged community, enter the address where the equipment will be permanently domiciled or installed into the California Climate Investments Priority Populations Mapping Tool 4.0 (available at the following link: https://gis.carb.arb.ca.gov/portal/apps/experiencebuilder/experience/?id=5dc1218631fa46bc8d340b8e82548a6a&page=Priority-Populations-4_0) or contact the District. 

Applicants selected for funding in the 2024 Solicitation will not be eligible to receive funding through the 2025 Solicitation, unless the equipment is located in a disadvantaged community.

Eligible Project Categories

The Carl Moyer Program, CAP Incentives Program, TAG Program, and AB 923 fund projects that reduce emissions from mobile and stationary equipment. If the 2025 solicitation is oversubscribed for a grant program or category, applications will be selected for funding through a random drawing. During this solicitation, applications will be accepted for the following categories:



Funding Cap


Zero-Emission replacements for school buses over 14,000 GVWR;

Heavy duty vehicle replacements (14,000 -33,000+ GVWR);

Emergency vehicles.

Range between 50-80%, up to $150,000, for zero-emission


Small Fleets and Exempt Agricultural Equipment replacement to cleaner technology;

Priority will be given to qualifying pilot projects;

Applications to replace Tier 0 and Tier 1 equipment will be entered twice into the random draw.

$150,000 per piece of equipment


Low-Dust Harvesters

Replacement of nut harvesting equipment with low-dust models. Replacement equipment must be selected from an eligible equipment list or authorized by the District. Equipment must operate within the District and within the Sacramento PM2.5 Non-Attainment Area.

$49,000 (PTO) per equipment


New battery charging and alternative fueling station installation;

Priority will be given to qualifying school bus, public agency, and publicly accessible charging stations;

Infrastructure supporting on or off-road projects must be submitted with the equipment application to be considered.

60% for eligible projects, with increased funding for public accessibility, alternative power, and school buses, up to $150,000

Disadvantaged Communities

Applications in disadvantaged communities will be prioritized for funding in all project categories and will be awarded using CAP funding first, in accordance with CAP Incentive guidelines. The funding cap for projects located in disadvantaged communities is $200,000 for the on-road, off-road, and infrastructure categories.

Carl Moyer Program

The Carl Moyer Program was established in 1998 as a partnership between the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and local air districts. The program provides monetary grants to private companies and public agencies to turn over heavy-duty engines sooner than what is required by law and regulation. The Moyer Program also funds infrastructure projects to support California’s transformation to zero and near-zero emission technology. 

Carl Moyer Program Policies and Procedures

Community Air Protection (CAP) Incentives Program

The CAP Incentives Program’s focus is to reduce exposure in communities most impacted by air pollution. In 2017, the California Legislature appropriated CAP Incentives Program funding to be administered by air districts in partnership with local communities to support early actions to address localized air pollution. This program offers funding for Carl Moyer-eligible projects that benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities within the District.

CAP Incentives Policies and Procedures

Targeted Airshed Grant (TAG) Program

The District was awarded funding through U.S. EPA Targeted Airshed Grant Program to administer a low-dust harvesting equipment replacement grant program. The program will offer up to $49,000 in funding for the purchase of new low-dust harvesting equipment resulting in a reduction of particulate matter emitted within the District and the Sacramento PM2.5 Non-Attainment Area.

AB 923

As a result of the signing of AB 923 in 2004 by Governor Schwarzenegger and the approval by the District’s Board of Directors, the District receives a $2 fee from the California Department of Motor Vehicles for vehicles registered in the District’s jurisdiction. The District’s Board of Directors has allocated funds received through AB 923 to infrastructure installation, public agencies’ heavy-duty fleet vehicle replacement projects, and agricultural off-road equipment replacement projects.

Sign up to receive emails about the District’s Incentives programs.