Board Meeting Agenda January 12, 2022

The following is the Agenda for the YSAQMD’s January 12, 2022 Board meeting scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. A pdf version of the full Board packet is available here.

Public Access Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Dial-in: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 825 2297 9972

This meeting is being agendized to allow Board Members, staff, and the public to participate in the meeting via teleconference, pursuant to Government Code section 54953(e)(1) (as amended by Assembly Bill 361), available at the following link. Government Code section 54953(e)(1) authorizes local legislative bodies to hold public meetings via teleconference and to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public.
Members of the public are encouraged to observe and participate in the teleconference.  Further instructions on how to electronically participate and submit your public comments can be found here.

1. Roll Call 
2. Housekeeping 
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. * Deliberation and Action on Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair for Calendar Year 2022
5. Public Statements and Comments
6. * Consent Agenda:
     A. Renew Authorization for Remote (Teleconference/Videoconference) Meetings
     B. Approve Draft Minutes of the November 10, 2021 YSAQMD Board Meeting
     C. Receive and Accept Long Range Planning Calendar
     D. Receive and Accept 2021 Annual Report
     E. Approve Reappointment of Todd Bruce to the District Hearing Board
     F. Approve Reappointment of Chris Ogata to the District Hearing Board
     G. Approve Cancellation of the February 9, 2022 YSAQMD Board Meeting
     H. Approve First Amendment to Agreement No. 16-35 with Tee Janitorial
      I. Approve Purchase of Air Sampler
7. Agenda Additions – Emergency Items Only
8. Administrative Report
     (Discussion regarding subjects not specifically listed is limited to clarifying questions)
     A. Board Members’ Report
     B. APCO’s Report
9. * Deliberation and Action on Appointment of Committee Members for Calendar Year 2022
10. Informational Report – Ozone Planning
11. * Deliberation and Action on the Carl Moyer Program Policies and Procedures Manual and 2022 Solicitation
12. Informational Report – Clean Air Fund 2021 Grants Update 
13. *Adjournment