Author Archives: wpengine

About wpengine

This is the "wpengine" admin user that our staff uses to gain access to your admin area to provide support and troubleshooting. It can only be accessed by a button in our secure log that auto generates a password and dumps that password after the staff member has logged in. We have taken extreme measures to ensure that our own user is not going to be misused to harm any of our clients sites.

Get Warm for the Winter: District Announces New Heat Pump Incentive Program

The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (District) is pleased to introduce the new Heat Pump Replacement Voucher Program, designed to help local residents transition from uncertified woodstoves and open-hearth fireplaces to energy-efficient electric heat pumps. This program offers financial incentives to support the switch, which will reduce smoke emissions from homes that rely on wood-burning devices during the winter months.

Through the program, qualifying applicants can receive vouchers covering up to 100% of the cost of a new electric heat pump. Standard incentives are set at $5,000, while eligible applicants can qualify for an enhanced incentive of $10,000. To participate, applicants must currently use an uncertified, operational wood-burning stove or open-hearth fireplace as their primary source of heat. Households may qualify for the Enhanced incentive if they meet low-income requirements, participate in a low-income program, or are located in a state-designated priority area.

More information on eligible equipment, maximum voucher amounts, and Enhanced Incentive Eligibility can be found on the District’s website at For questions about the Heat Pump Replacement Voucher Program, contact the District by phone at (530) 757-3650 or email

District and Esparto Unified School District Unveil Four Zero-Emission School Buses

The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (Air District) is thrilled to announce the unveiling of four new zero-emission electric school buses for the Esparto Unified School District. These buses represent a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to improve air quality and protect public health in our community.

The replacement of four outdated diesel-powered school buses with zero-emission electric models was made possible through several Air District grants and incentive programs. These include the AB 923 Program, the Carl Moyer Program, and the U.S. EPA Targeted Airshed Grant (TAG) Program. Overall, Esparto USD was awarded nearly $1.1 million from these three programs for the four zero-emission school buses.

The benefits to the community are substantial. Diesel school buses emit fine particulates and other pollutants that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, a harmful air pollutant. Diesel exhaust from idling school buses can accumulate around the buses and pose a health risk, particularly to children. When buses idle in drop-off zones, the exhaust can also pollute the air inside school buildings, affecting children’s health throughout the day. Prolonged exposure to ozone can lead to serious health impacts, similar to giving your lungs a sunburn. By replacing diesel school buses with electric vehicles, all tailpipe emissions are eliminated, thereby significantly improving air quality.

The Mat Ehrhardt Bike Lane Opens to the Public

The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District is proud to announce the dedication of a new bike lane to honor the late Mat Ehrhardt, who served the Air District with distinction for over two decades. The Mat Ehrhardt Bike Lane is located on a 2.5-mile section of Pedrick Road just south of the Pedrick Road Bridge. This significant addition to the active transportation network in the region was constructed by Solano County Resource Management with assistance from the Air District’s Clean Air Funds.

On Thursday, July 18th, a dedication event was held to commemorate the new bike lane. Mat Ehrhardt’s family, the Air District Board of Directors and staff, along with other local officials, gathered to honor his legacy. During the event, the sign for the Mat Ehrhardt Bike Lane was unveiled to the public. Mat Ehrhardt’s family participated in the unveiling and expressed their gratitude to the community for honoring his legacy and dedication to improving air quality.

“I had the honor of working alongside Mat for over twenty years,” said Paul Hensleigh, the Air District’s Deputy APCO. “He would have been embarrassed by this dedication, but this road sign will serve as a lasting reminder to the residents of Solano and Yolo Counties that there are people who tirelessly advocate for improving our quality of life. Mat was a strong advocate for better air quality, not only through regulation but also by promoting bicycling, one of the many outdoor activities he cherished.”

Mat Ehrhardt joined the Air District in 1997 as an Associate Air Quality Engineer. He quickly advanced, becoming a Supervising Air Quality Engineer in 2000 and the Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer just two years later. In 2005, he was appointed Executive Director of the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, a position he held with distinction until his passing in late 2022.

The newly unveiled Mat Ehrhardt Bike Lane is now open to the public and stands as a lasting tribute to Ehrhardt’s commitment to clean air and active transportation. The Air District is proud to honor his memory and his significant contributions to air quality management and community health.

12 Winning Submissions of the 2024 Clean Air Art Contest

The District is thrilled to announce the 12 finalists for this year’s Clean Air Art Calendar Contest. Out of nearly 60 incredible submissions from students across the District, the work from these talented artists will be showcased in the 2024 Clean Air Calendar. The enthusiasm for clean air has been truly inspiring. Thank you to all who participated, and congrats to our finalists!

1st Place – Kashf K. 1st Place – Elizabeth C. 1st Place – Daniella T. 1st Place – Isabella M.
2nd Place – Hareem K. 2nd Place – Luis M. 2nd Place – Meerub K. 2nd Place – Brayden P.
3rd Place – Nathan D. T. 3rd Place – Yamilet A. 3rd Place – Jaylah B.

3rd Place – Perla M.



Sacramento Valley Basinwide Air Pollution Control Council Releases Draft Budget

Sacramento Valley Basinwide APC Council released a Draft Budget for FY 2024-25. The Sacramento Valley Basinwide Air Pollution Control Council (BCC) consists of an elected official of, and designated by, the air pollution control district governing board of each district within the Sacramento Valley Air Basin. There are nine Council Members on the BCC. 

View Draft Budget Here

District to Hold Public Hearings for Rule 2.14 and Rule 4.5

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, the District will hold two public hearings regarding both Rule 2.14 and Rule 4.5. The hearings will take place at 1947 Galileo Court, Suite 103, Davis CA 95618 and can be attended in person or virtually. Comments are to be received by the District by April 24, 2024. Click Here to obtain more information about the Public Hearings.

District to Host Workshop for Rule 4.5 Federal Clean Air Act Section 185 Penalty Fees

The District is holding a workshop for the development of Rule 4.5, FEDERAL CLEAN AIR ACT SECTION 185 PENALTY FEES, on March 21st from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 1947 Galileo Ct., Suite 103, Davis, CA 95618. The rule will require the assessment of annual penalty fees for major stationary sources of volatile organic compounds or oxides of nitrogen if the Sacramento Federal Nonattainment Area (SFNA) fails to demonstrate attainment of any 8-hour federal ozone standard promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on or after March 12, 2008 by the respective attainment year and only for a standard for which the SFNA is listed as Severe or Extreme. The preliminary rule language, staff report, and notice of public workshop are available on the Rule Development page. If you are planning to attend the workshop or have a question about the rule, please email Eden Winniford at by March 18th

2024 Clean Air Calendar Art Contest Begins

Yolo-Solano AQMD is excited to announce the launch of our much-anticipated 2024 Clean Air Calendar Art Contest for local schools! This annual event is not only a celebration of artistic talent in our local schools but also a powerful platform for promoting the importance of clean air in our community.

How It Works

Every year, K-12 students from schools throughout the District are invited to participate in this exciting contest. The process is simple yet impactful. Young artists are encouraged to create original artwork that highlights the significance of clean air and the steps we as a community can take to preserve it. 

To participate, download the contest entry form and follow the guidelines for creating the artwork. Be sure to submit the artwork along with the completed entry form by April 5, 2024 to be included in the contest. Throughout the month of April, District staff will vote on their favorite artwork before providing them to the Yolo-Solano AQMD Board of Directors for their final decision. Finalists will be announced in May. and the winning artwork will be printed into an annual calendar which will be distributed to the winners and available for anyone who wishes to receive one.

Prizes and Recognition

1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners will be chosen in each of the following grade categories: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.

The artists of the top 12 entries will receive an Amazon gift card as a prize. The 1st place from each grade category will receive a $30 gift card. Students who finish in 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded with a $25 gift card.

Winners will receive:
• Recognition in YSAQMD Clean Air Art
Contest Press Release
• Certificate of Achievement
• Artwork may be used in educational
outreach materials and social media
• Amazon Gift Card:
1st place – $30
2nd & 3rd place – $25

A Learning Experience

Participating in the Clean Air Calendar Art Contest isn’t just about creating beautiful artwork—it’s also a great opportunity to learn about environmental stewardship and the role each of us plays in improving the quality of our air. Through this contest, students gain a deeper understanding of the importance of clean air and how small actions can make a big difference in improving air quality.

Download the contest flyer and submit entries before April 5th to enter. Winners will be selected during the month of April and announced in May.

Download Contest Entry Flyer Here / Descargar el Folleto en Español

Yolo-Solano AQMD to Host Clean Air Funds Webinar

The District is excited to announce an upcoming webinar focused on the Clean Air Funds Program. The webinar will take place via Zoom on March 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and registration is required to attend. This informative session will guide potential applicants through the application process, providing valuable insights on how to secure funding for initiatives that promote cleaner air in our communities. Attendees can expect detailed explanations on eligibility criteria, application procedures, previous project success stories, and project requirements. Additionally, there will be ample opportunity for participants to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the program’s objectives. Join us for this crucial webinar to learn how you can make a positive impact on air quality through actionable projects and receive the support needed to bring your ideas to fruition. REGISTER TO ATTEND HERE

2024 Clean Air Funds Program
The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District Clean Air Funds Program provides financial incentives for local projects that reduce emissions from mobile sources of air pollution within the District.

For the 2024 Clean Air Funds Grant program there is $459,000 available for projects in the District.  Funding is available at various levels for projects in four qualifying categories: Clean Vehicle Technology, Alternative Transportation, Transit Services, and Public Education. Applications are open to private companies, government agencies, and other entities to promote clean transportation and reduced vehicle emissions. The 2024-2025 Clean Air Funds Program Cycle application period will open on March 11th at 8 a.m. and close on April 19th.

Find more information HERE.