Information on the District’s current recruitments and other employment information is available at Careers & Compensation.
- Press releases
- Social media: Twitter | Facebook
- Latest edition of Air Aware, our quarterly newsletter
- More information on our News & Outreach programs
Public Hearings
- April 9, 2025 – FY 25/26 Proposed Fee Schedule
Board Meetings
Board meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. unless posted otherwise. Meeting materials, including the agenda and supporting documents, are available at least 72 hours before each meeting and can be accessed here.
Committee Meetings
- Personnel Committee:
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Budget & Audit Committee:
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Solano Clean Air Funds Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Yolo Clean Air Funds Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Technical Review Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Legislative Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
There are no scheduled workshops at this time.
Requests for Proposals/Quotes/Bids
- There are no Requests for Proposals or Quotes at this time.